Mission Statement
We believe ‘together we can’
Everyone at Birkby Infant & Nursery School is committed to providing a happy, secure and inviting environment.
Ofsted November 2018 said: The school’s mission statement of ‘Together we can’ epitomises what the school is about, and inspection evidence endorses the fact that ‘Together they do!’
Children, staff, governors, parents/carers and visitors all feel safe, cared for and valued.
Physically Active Learning Centre of Excellence
Our outstanding school continues to develop and share outstanding practice across Yorkshire.
Head Teacher’s Message
Welcome to our school website.
We are a large Infant & Nursery School in Huddersfield that serves families from a wide range of cultural and economic backgrounds.
We are all very proud of our school, community and achievements.
Together we have maintained a good quality of education which has shown marked improvement.
We celebrate our richly diverse racial and cultural origins whilst at the same time promoting the fundamental British Values of tolerance, respect and consideration of others.
Ofsted November 2018 said: ‘The ‘Rainbow Rules’ encompass respect, duty and democracy. These support pupils well in preparing them for life in modern Britain. Parents know these rules too.’
Ofsted November 2018 said: ‘The behaviour of pupils is outstanding.’
Ofsted November 2018 recognises that our work in school ensures that all our pupils are enthusiastic, motivated and love coming to school. They said that: ‘Pupils’ attitudes to learning are impeccable. They follow instructions, respond enthusiastically to questioning and apply themselves energetically. ‘
We are all passionate about providing pupils with excellent teaching and are constantly trying to improve our provision so that pupils leave our school as keen, self-confident learners with the basic skills knowledge and understanding required to access KS2, firmly embedded. Ofsted November 2018 said: ‘Teachers and other adults have consistently high expectations of what each individual pupil can achieve, no matter what time of year they begin school, whether they are disadvantaged or are pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities.’
Children’s physical and emotional needs are as important to us as their educational needs.
Ofsted November 2018 said: ‘The school’s work to promote pupils’ personal development and welfare is outstanding. Mental health and well-being are at the heart of the curriculum. The curriculum goes well beyond building core skills. It embraces the social and emotional alongside effective language acquisition.’
Equally important are our safeguarding arrangements which are constantly reviewed and updated to ensure that they are fit for purpose and that everyone has appropriate training to keep children safe from harm.
Ofsted November 2018 said: ‘Safeguarding is a high priority for everyone.’
Parents/carers are welcome into school at any time should they need any information about the school or have any concerns.
Ofsted November 2018 said: ‘The engagement with parents is exceptional.’
Thank you for your time.
Do not hesitate to contact the school should you have any questions or queries about our school.
Diana Wilson